With Fibromyalgia, you may experience symptoms such as headaches, painful menstrual cramps, restless leg syndrome, cognitive and memory problems, and trouble sleeping and chronic body pain and psychological problems. Fibromyalgia causes the central nervous system to be overly sensitive to the impulses of pain that are received from numerous sensory organs located in the body. You can have tingling and numbness which is extremely common. Symptoms usually begin to show in early adult years and lasts, usually, for the rest of life.
Fibromyalgia is an incredibly complex disease, dealing with physical and mental struggles, scientists and doctors are still trying to understand how it works. However, there are plenty of steps to take to help decrease the painful symptoms caused by Fibromyalgia. Psychological problems experienced with Fibromyalgia can be fought with medical drugs, therapy, and lifestyle changes in order to eliminate unwanted or unwarranted stress. However, for physical Fibromyalgia pain, Chiropractic care can offer an effective method of coping with chronic pain
Please give our office a call if you think you are suffering from Fibromyalgia and would like help. Dr. Steven Perry and our team is here to help answer your questions and address any issues you may have. Please feel free to contact us today. Give us a call at (818)881-2225. We are close to Woodland Hills, Reseda, Van Nuys, Northridge and Sherman Oaks which are all close to Tarzana, California.